lunedì 17 ottobre 2016

Pablo Larrain: Why the Movie ‘Neruda’ Is an ‘Anti-Bio’

“…biopics are so dangerous, I think, and I have enjoyed very few of them. Believe me, I read four biographies, I read his autobiography; it’s a beautiful book. I talked to people who met him, I read hundreds of essays on his life and I made a movie that’s called “Neruda.”

And I can tell you right now that I have no idea who he was because he’s ungrabbable, impossible to put in a box. You can make 100 movies and you would never be able to do that. So, once you understand that, it gives you a lot of freedom, and that’s why we say that this is a Nerudian movie because for us — in my country and in our language — Neruda was a man who created a cosmos that is so complex and deep.”

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